Essential Mental Healing
Essential Mental Healing
Unlocking the Power of Natural Stem Cells for Hair Loss: A Conversation with Mahryah Shain, Founder of More Hair Naturally
It's therapy Thursday!
Dive into the fascinating science behind hair loss with Mariah as he explains the difference between testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, and how inherited factors can affect hair loss. Learn how innovative ingredients like hyaluronic acid, stem cells, polyotics, and amino acids work together to strengthen the hair follicle and restore blood flow. Mariah also shares the unique approach his team at More Hair Naturally takes to assess each client's individual needs and guide them in the right direction for optimal results. We go beyond the science, we also explore the emotional impact of hair loss and the importance of building confidence and self-perception. Mariah shares his own inspiring experiences as well as the success stories of his clients, highlighting the power of making choices and taking action in our lives. Don't miss out on this informative and engaging conversation that could transform your hair loss journey for the better!
Mahryah Shain morehairnaturally.com
New Clients call 818.303.9922
Email: info@morehairnaturally.com
Host Candace Fleming
Co-host Janet Hale
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Hello and welcome back to Essential Mental Healing, where I am your host, candace Fleming. Joining me today, as always, is my lovely co-host, Janet Hale, and we have a special guest today. Mahryah is with us, hello, welcome.
Janet Hale:Welcome, welcome, welcome. Thanks, I'm here, Alright.
Candace Fleming:so how are you, Mahryah? How are you?
Mahryah Shain:I'm doing great. I'm really happy to be here and to talk with you today. I think we're going to have a lot of fun.
Candace Fleming:Yes, we are doing an episode on holistic healing for hair loss and I'm so excited. Can you tell us a little bit about you, mariah, what you do, the name of your company and how you help get us kickstarted into where we're going?
Mahryah Shain:Absolutely. Let me tell you. my name is Mahryah Shain. My company is called More Hair. Naturally. We're here in California. We make all natural stem cell based products for thinning hair and hair loss. Everything is made locally here in California, so all USA made. We have a pretty unique passion for healing in our approach. This is a family business.
Mahryah Shain:The way we got started was I was always raised with the concept that everything that we need for our bodies and our life is in the world already. We've been on this planet for millions of years and our bodies have learned to survive with the planet. It's a synergistic existence. Everything that is here is here for us to work with, and vice versa too. We're here to support what's around us. Whenever we would get sick or there'd be problems, we'd always look for nature. The idea is that our bodies are meant to survive. Our bodies are meant to thrive. Our bodies are meant to be great, powerful, strong vehicles for us to accomplish our goals in life. When it's not working, we always look like how do we get our immune system strong again? Where in nature can we find a solution to get our immune system strong so that our bodies can heal itself, because that's what it's supposed to do. So that's always been our approach.
Mahryah Shain:Now, in terms of hair loss, every single man in my family has hair loss period. I'm happy to have what I have, but every single man cousins, brothers, uncles, nephews all of them have hair loss. So when my father started losing his hair this was probably in the late 80s, early 90s, probably around There wasn't a lot out there. There weren't a lot of options in terms of the holistic natural field. There were the drug options, which are the same drugs everyone's using today. Those were there, but then there was also there's things like rubbing onion on your head. There's remedies like that, which there's actually validity in that the sulfur content in the onion is very good for hair, but you're never going to get enough by rubbing the onion juice on your head.
Candace Fleming:And you just the sulfur eight grease.
Mahryah Shain:Um, i is it. I don't know what that is. Is that a topical?
Candace Fleming:solution. It's a like a hair grease is called sulfur eight. It's supposed to be good for stimulating hair growth. When you said sulfur, it made me think of it.
Mahryah Shain:Well, because sulfur, sulfur is good for it. However, there's a couple, there's a couple of things. One is grease is never good for the scalp. It's just going to clog the pores. Any sort of like heavy oil is going to clog the follicles, which is going to help prevent, help prevent healthy growth, and and that's not really going to handle the cause of thinning hair. I can get into the cause of it as well too. Like and why like what needs to be addressed if you want to really address the cause of it, but the but.
Mahryah Shain:When my father started going down, start start looking for the solution. He, he went to drug route. He cause we're like, what are you doing? But that's what he went because that's all that he knew was available. And he started getting sick. He started his body started hurting, he started losing his energy. He actually started developing breasts because it started messing with his hormones And he was like whoa, okay, no, this is not worth it. And my mother's Italian, and so she had one of our cousins in the Lake Como area of Italy. She, she said there was this little lab that's doing some pretty interesting things in the field of hair loss, natural approach. And so we were like, well, send them some. So they sent them some products and it was, it worked pretty well. It was working better than anything else that he had found, and we eventually became their North American distributors, and that's what kicked us into the field of of this, of the hair loss field.
Mahryah Shain:Now what we were finding is that this product was great. It was, it was cutting down the shedding. It was people were getting their hair back, but it wasn't coming back strong enough and it wasn't coming back thick enough. And so we were like, why, why is this not working great? Why is this not the best product on the market? And so we started looking at like well, it was kind of it, kind of like rank some alarm bells, that that the popular products, for all the drugs out there being used were all the same drugs that were being used since the 1970s the monoxyles, finasterides, you know all those, all those were, you know, the same drugs that were used from the 70s is like, well, science didn't go to sleep, science didn't stop researching hair loss and thinning.
Mahryah Shain:So then we started investigating, like journals from around the world saying like, what, what's out there that's helping people with their hair? Like what is it in the, in the natural field, and that's when we started discovering amazing results with stem cells, probiotics, amino acids, peptide complexes all these incredible things that weren't in products but in laboratory studies were producing amazing results. And so then we we found a lab here in California that specializes in natural it's an FDA lab that specializes in natural products And we're like listen, we, we have all these ingredients. We want to make a product with everything in it. We want to put all of them in it, not just one. We want all of them And we want them to be at the same strength as producing the results in these studies. Is that even possible to do? And so we gave them that task and took a couple years, and they did it. They were able to put it together in one product, and that was, and that's what we're doing.
Candace Fleming:Interesting enough, there was an episode on Grey's Anatomy recently about going against what the status quo was. She was saying that everything that they knew about Parkinson's no, alzheimer's disease was not accurate. She was like but they were like you can't just go and undo science that's been done for years. So when you say the same things have been done since 77, if there's no change, that means something needs. there needs to be a change in order to have more effective results. So that's pretty awesome. Another thing is I didn't tell you this prior to, but I suffer from thinning hair, hair loss. I was diagnosed with tension alopecia, which I don't think that's what it is, because I didn't start really having hair loss until after I got sick. So the medications inflectora and prednisone, i believe, contribute to the thinning of my hair follicles or them being shallow and coming out easy 100%. So how do you combat hereditary hair loss versus medical hair loss versus any other kind of hair loss?
Mahryah Shain:Yeah, that's a super good question, So, okay, so here's so hereditary hair loss is that's like the main hair loss And that's about, like you know, this isn't a scientific number, but, like, 95% of the people that have hair loss is because of that. Now here's an interesting thing, though. Here's what's hereditary about that Now. So I'm just going to tell you really quickly, like, what the mechanics of that are is, to help explain what the hereditary factor of it. So, when our bodies break down the male hormone testosterone, it creates a byproduct which is called dihydrotestosterone, It's called DHT for short. Any any like Google search of, like hair loss, DHT starts popping up everywhere And now all that is is just the byproduct of testosterone. So your body breaks down testosterone. It creates DHT, which is just excreted through your body. Now, as that DHT passes by your hair follicle, it gets stuck on the follicle in these little DHT receptor sites which, for a visual, would look like a pothole. Now, these little potholes on the follicle that's the inherited trait are the potholes. So you inherit these little potholes. Pothole is definitely not a technical term, but it's a nice visual. It's very easy to understand And I like easy to understand.
Mahryah Shain:So makes sense to me, Yeah, yeah, So so you inherit that. So you could inherit tons of potholes on your on your follicle. But if you don't have a lot of D, if a lot of testosterone in your body, then you might not have hair loss till very late in life. But you could also inherit you know, just a very few of these of these potholes, And if you have a lot of a lot of testosterone, then you can have hair loss early on in life. So it's really a balance between how much testosterone you produce versus how many of these little potholes you've inherited, which is why women generally will see hair loss, you know, much later in life.
Mahryah Shain:Because it's because it takes that much longer for enough DHT, because what happens is DHT lashes, it clogs up these little, it clogs up the potholes, it gets stuck in the potholes and starts to cut the blood flow off to the off to the follicle And over time it cuts more and more blood flow off And the follicle gets weaker and weaker, thinner and thinner and then eventually dies. So a woman who produces a very little testosterone will it'll take a very long time for enough DHT to accumulate If she has the potholes, enough DHT to accumulate to actually start to see any thinning or when a menopause kicks in and there's like big hormonal fluctuations and there's an influx of testosterone. That's why sometimes during menopause there'll be some extra shedding or loss. So the handle for that is what we like to do is a couple of things.
Mahryah Shain:One is we like to get the DHT off the follicle so that the blood can start flowing back to the follicle, And then we like to gently coat the follicle with something called hyaluronic acid, which is found in your joints, eyeballs, a lot of skin creams and face creams have. This is very moisturizing. We have a medical grade in our formulation so that the it kind of coats the follicle so future DHT can't latch back on and the blood starts flowing back to the follicle. So the follicle starts getting strong again and then we start bombarding that follicle with stem cells, polyotics and amino acids to really help rebuild it. So the blood's flowing back to it and we're building it back up and then we're fortifying that with all the nutrients.
Candace Fleming:How do you decide which form of hair loss someone has? Do they come to you with their hair?
Mahryah Shain:No, no, no, We talk to them. We talk to them kind of like how you said it, like if we're talking to you, you'd say you're age, you know, and so you're relatively young, so that. So we kind of cancel out like a woman who's relatively young, chances are it could be hereditary, but maybe there's something else going on. Then you would have mentioned, like the traction alopecia, which is definitely a thing, but then you would have mentioned the medication. So we have medication, which is a big deal. A lot of medications have the side effect of hair loss and traction alopecia is actually a very real. It's a very real thing in terms of hair loss as well. So, based off those two factors, that would be the assumption that we would make is that that's where you are coming from.
Mahryah Shain:A lot of people kind of know like a man who's in his late 40s 50s starts shedding, he's got hair loss in his family, he kind of has an inkling, you know, or someone's on a lot of medications, they kind of have an inkling. We like to talk to people. We have phone numbers, like on our website, morhairnaturallycom at the top and the bottom there's phone numbers. So we always encourage people to call and we'll talk to them about their hair and try to figure out what's happening and how to guide them in the right direction.
Mahryah Shain:A lot of people don't want to call. They kind of feel confident in knowing, like, what they need to do, and that's cool, because we don't. We don't we've been doing it for so long that just by talking to somebody we can have a pretty good idea. You know we're not going to be a hundred percent right. You know you can't really be a hundred percent right unless you, you know, maybe do like natural blood tests or you know so, a lot of testing. But we've been doing it long enough that we have a pretty good idea of like, oh yeah, this this will get you results, at least Like we know, like this program will get you results.
Candace Fleming:When you first started doing this, how did you measure your success of the product?
Mahryah Shain:By clients, by clients. By talking to clients, we knew we knew the product. We knew, like from laboratory studies, that the product was great. We knew that. However, the real measure of success is strictly from clients who use it. And then, because we follow up, we check in, we want to make we're here to make a change. We're not here to just make a quick buck. We're here. We're here to make a change.
Mahryah Shain:You know, we've been around this, we've been in the business for like 25 years, so we really care about our, our, the journey, because it's a bigger picture. You know, we, we. It's not just about hair loss, it's about confidence, it's about self-esteem, it's about motivation, it's about, you know, taking control of your life. It's about making your life better, making you stronger and more powerful. So we want to make sure that we're really helping somebody achieve achieve a goal that they set out to achieve, because we feel responsible, because we want people to be able to make a decision, take an action and then see a positive result, because we know if somebody does that, then they're going to have confidence to make more positive actions and take more chances and make more decisions and they're just going to get stronger and more confident. So it's kind of a bigger picture.
Janet Hale:You know, i want to say something because you mentioned to him about your condition, which was something that he was not aware of until today. Yeah, and as I listened to him talk and there's time set And I remember when you told me about the alopecia, the, the well they use black women use to get from the braids What do you call it? Traction out, sure Traction, okay, and um, when, when I first heard that, i didn't believe that either, but, but of course I'm not not doing all that, but someone else in the family was diagnosed with that, who Later learned that that was not the correct diagnosis for her.
Mahryah Shain:Oh.
Janet Hale:Yes, and so for me. I remember when my grandmother started thinning. Mm-hmm right and then I Started thinning and if you, no one can see me, but you do it at this moment It looks as if I have very thick hair. It does, yeah, but I do, but I do not.
Mahryah Shain:Hello.
Janet Hale:I do not.
Mahryah Shain:I would cannot tell that by looking at you.
Janet Hale:I do not, and So my siblings Have had hair loss, mm-hmm. And so When I'm listening to Candace talk about her hair loss and How it can be passed down from generation to generations, it made me look at when my grandmother was starting to thin out, remembering that me being I started thinning, actually whilst rep pretty young.
Janet Hale:Mm-hmm but my hair, for some reason, always gave the illusion that it was thick Right and for whatever reason, i don't know where that came from. All of the very came by, but it always appeared to be thick, yeah, and then it's not. It is not, and so I. Something else you said to about the healing process and how everything that we need to heal is already here. You know, it's just a matter of someone figuring out what it is and where to go get it, and I Find that to be Probably one of the best ways of healing is When we heal from the natural things that are around us.
Janet Hale:Yeah around or around the mountain, wherever it is. Yeah yeah, on this earth. You know what I mean. Yeah, um, but I just want to put that in there. Go ahead again.
Candace Fleming:I was watching a video, well yesterday, of the day before I was a 50 year old guy and they were like man, how do you look so good? and he said he eats only fruits and vegetables, more fruits and vegetables. But do you do you suggest, with the supplements and nutrition Diet, a nutritional diet with itters, a way of eating? do you ask people to supplement it with what they put in their bodies? or Really the product do enough without I'm sure it does more with the nutrients or does it do enough without it?
Mahryah Shain:we always, we always suggest, we always, we always check diet because Because if you're not, if you're not taking care of yourself, your hair growth isn't going to be, isn't going to be as good as it could be now. That doesn't have to do with the DHT. The DHT has to get addressed. That's the real issue that has to be handled. But you can support that in diet. We also suggest the diet because it gives you more energy, it gives you more focus, it gives you, it makes you more present, you know, it gets you more alert. So we and again it's a bigger picture So we always suggest we, you know, we suggest it in terms of, like, an approach to hair, because that's why people are calling us. But we know that also We're suggesting it because it's just going to make someone happier. You know, when their body's working right, you're going to be happier. You just are. So. So we suggest it on a bigger level.
Mahryah Shain:You know, i'm suggesting it's mainly stuff like stay away from processed foods, stay away from sugars, if you can, you know, process sugars definitely, because all that stuff it's terrible for your hair But it's also terrible for your body. You know. Try to get a good balance of proteins. A good balance of vegetables if you're gonna eat. If you're gonna eat, you know, breads and flowers. Try to eat a bread That's just like water, yeast, salt flour. You know, i mean Simple. You know, stay away from the ones that have the sugar and all I love the honey wheat.
Candace Fleming:Do you Honey, weeds my favorite.
Mahryah Shain:There was terrible for you, but it tastes great, you know, but everything in moderation. You know, it's not, it's, it's, it's, we're not, we're not. We never say like, don't ever, you know, yeah, have some honey. We have a great. Like PB and J, i'm some honey. Delicious, don't do it all the time you know.
Candace Fleming:Actually did hear that Bread we are the kiss wheat bread is a contributing factor to children's behaviors. It's a couple of foods that contribute to bad behavior, or mischievous behavior, i should say. With the different kind of foods I found that to be interesting. Yeah, i've heard that as well. Have you ever tried?
Mahryah Shain:the products yourself. I have and and I'm, and I'm like I said I'm. I Attribute the products to me, having the hair that I have because I should be bald, i should be, i should be totally bald right now, based off my family history and everyone else in my family.
Candace Fleming:Wow, what is a? I know you say you keep up with the clients who come. What is a before and after success story that you have, maybe how it changed someone's life Mentally? I know having the hair, but what kind of outcomes or an outcome do you have from a client who may have come in really And then afterwards, oh yay, my hair.
Mahryah Shain:Men, men tend to play the local cooler um men, men, men are like yeah, it's great and and they just keep reordering, like yeah.
Mahryah Shain:It seems to be working really well. They keep reordering. Women, on the other hand, are like, are You can hear the relief in their voice? you know, i mean, you can hear. You can hear the, the sigh of Relaxation, and you know like, okay, it's working. Yeah, you know, you really can hear it when you talk to women and and the photos really say it. All the photos are, really, are really great and it's, and it's more, it's more, just like it's.
Mahryah Shain:Our society is tougher on women than it is on men in terms of the physical, hmm, the appearance. It's. It's not, it's not necessarily right or fair, but it's kind of how it is and so. So when a woman starts Thinning or losing your hair, She's much more aware of it and much more self-conscious of it than than a man, which which means that they tend to take women tend to take action faster, which means they get results faster and better. Where a man will? I put it off for 20 years? Lots of damage, lots of dead follicles, because once the follicle dies, it can't be helped. You know, if somebody is shiny, if there, if someone's head is shiny involved, we can't help them, and we that's one of the reasons like to talk to people as well so that we can set up realistic Expectations. Because if someone calls us and like oh yeah, I've been bald for 25 years, we're like We, there's not, we can't help. It sounds like the follicles are dead and there's nothing. There's no product that's gonna help bring back a dead follicle.
Candace Fleming:So how do you know when a follicle has died?
Mahryah Shain:If this scalp is shiny and bald, yeah.
Candace Fleming:So I guess what I'm asking? that because so, like in these in-between pockets in my hair where it's kind of thin right, would I know if any of these are like dead follicles, or how long does it take for a follicle to die?
Mahryah Shain:That's a good question, okay, so on the first part, in terms of your, your specific hairline, so there there will be dead follicles mixed within that area, but that area doesn't look so bad. It looks actually okay. I see how you're like. You know it's all tied back, so it's very easy to see it right now so I can see how it's like. It does look a little thin when it's all pressed back like that, but there's lots of little baby hairs in there, which means the follicles are alive and the follicles are healthy you know so it's like I love it yeah, so there's a
Candace Fleming:lot of hair here, just figured out. Look, yeah, we have to look at me like this now.
Mahryah Shain:I love it it's great, it appears thick right right, right, right right right so yeah, there's some, there's some, there are some dead follicles mixed in there, but there's enough live follicles, which you can tell by the by, like the thinner hairs that it can fill in enough that you wouldn't really have much attention on it now.
Mahryah Shain:In terms of how long takes a follicle to die once, once it disappears, it goes dormant for about three to five years. That's that's the research. I've read on it. So it goes dormant, and well, it's dormant. It could still be helped. However, i don't know how to tell if a follicle is actually dormant or dead. That's the thing. Like the research says, three to five years. That's not a very specific window, so I don't really know how to tell specifically like, oh yeah, your follicles are just dormant. So we we generally err on the side of caution and say if it's shiny, it can't be helped have a question for you, so would you mind sharing with us one of your most successful results?
Mahryah Shain:it was. It was, it was a woman. It was very emotional as a woman who, she, she had lost her husband of like 40 years and and grief is a big factor, grief, grief is a big factor and stress, grease, that a great grief. That's a major hair loss contributor. She started losing her hair. She was, you know, very depressed, very sad, and she, she called us.
Mahryah Shain:I actually spoke to her. I I don't take, i take a couple of client calls a day just so I can sort of, you know, talk to people and just make sure the, the temperature, you know, and but I actually I actually spoke to her and she was crying on the phone and which is, you know, which happens, but it's always, you know, it's always, you know, sad when you know, but she, so she was crying and that's that. And she, she jumped into a program and and then, like you know, we touch base, i shoot an email like once a month, or caller, just, you know, check in, she can always pick up my calls but leave a message and stuff. And then, a few months after that, she sent in this email saying that all her hair is back, she's feeling great. Thank you, you know, i'm doing so much better. You know, i have my confidence back, i'm getting my life together and it was. It was, it was great, it was really. It was like the perfect emails, like that's why we're here.
Candace Fleming:I can imagine that I used to have. My hair was thicker and longer and.
Candace Fleming:I liked it a lot. Now it's shorter and thinner and I don't like it a lot, but I do my best with what I have, or try you know. Just I realized I tell myself, as long as I have hair, do what I can with it, opposed to being like, oh, my dad's not gonna fall out and I spent all these years going out. One day it's gonna fall out. I could imagine coming back from the thinning or the short hair and having it all back, because I don't flatter my hair anymore because it's so thin but I would love to flat iron it and I could imagine her saying I got all my hair back and I remember we spoke when we first set up our meeting and you were saying how and you said it in this podcast it's not just about the hair, it's about everything that comes with it.
Candace Fleming:It was the confidence is the being emotionally free, mentally, everything physical. It makes you feel a certain kind of way. I remember when I had I got this cut on my chin and it was hard for me to be in front of people and everything, until someone else my sister was. I hold your head up, it's okay, but the things that we look at and the things that people look at are so different in our minds, things have changed so much and it changes our whole structure of our being. But when someone else is looking at us they're like I don't. Either they don't know anything is different or it's not drastic enough for them to care as much as you do, and that goes to a whole nother mental space to be in. But I'm glad that there is something that could possibly help more people with thinning hair or hair loss. You wanted to say something.
Janet Hale:I do. I do because you know we are all going to change. That's just a thing. So that is going to happen physically. And when you talked about the thin, the chin and hold your head up and how sometimes we'll change, and people look at us and they're just like it's almost as if they didn't notice. I always look at that as a moment, when people do that, that they see me, and when I say that it's not the me, the outer me is the me me. I don't know how to make that make sense, but makes.
Mahryah Shain:It makes a hundred percent sense. I totally yeah, it's like. Yeah, it's like.
Janet Hale:Janet yeah and I'm like okay, then I go okay, and it's because I and I can tell when someone sees me, right, i can tell it, i can feel it. It's a feeling, it's a I don't want to get all deep into it, but it's just a feeling when someone sees me, sure, because I have changed and I will continue to change, right, yeah, it's not just change but evolve oh, i do be involved in to evolve and all yeah, go ahead.
Mahryah Shain:I was gonna say it's all, it's all self-perception, though, because the thing is it all, then it. You know we okay. So my company focuses on hair loss. That's because it's something that we know a lot about and we found a way that we can really help people get a positive result with it. But it's really about you having your attention off your body and out into the world, cause if you're focusing 100% on whoever's in front of you or whatever's in front of you, you're gonna force that person to just see you, cause if you don't have attention on yourself, then other people won't have attention on you. So I mean, you could be, you know, totally bald or have crazy hair, like half of your hair is falling out and the other half is fine, you know, but you are okay with that and you feel great about that and that's not an issue for you. Then chances are, most people won't notice you know Most people.
Mahryah Shain:Once you start talking and you look at them and they see that, oh, this person is actually talking to me, they're not thinking about themselves, then they won't even notice. And so that's our goal is essentially to help you handle anything that is taking your attention and putting it on yourself, cause if you can get that attention off yourself and out into the world, you're gonna affect people, you're gonna change people's life. Just by being a presence in the room, you know when that's, you know. Sometimes someone walks into the room and everyone, like, turns and is like who's that? You know? and they're nobody, you know, they're not famous, but they that everyone notices because that person is out, their focus is out, it's on everyone around them, you know, and it makes you stand up taller, it makes you feel better.
Mahryah Shain:So if you can walk with that energy, you're gonna change your family, your friends, your church, your group. You're gonna change everybody, you know. And so that's that steamroller of change is what we're trying to affect. So if your hair is bothering you, let's just fix it so you can get on with your life. You know, let's not, let's get you over that hump and then just get on with it and get on to, like you know, changing the world and changing your life When you when you said that oh go ahead.
Janet Hale:I wanted to say and I love the way he was putting, love the way you were wording or what you were saying about how you put yourself out there And what, when I thought about is what I said time is. I'm working from your high vibration, because when we're working from our hours high, yourselves, you know, and that is presented And you don't know. Candice, i do, and she comes from a high vibration. You know what I mean. Like she is that girl that walks in the room and okay, who is she? Yeah, she's like, hey, how's everybody? You know what I mean? That kind of what I call living Right, not just existing, but living Right. And so she's been dealing with the hair loss for, you know, for a while She had the baby. However, in this and I'm sure it bothers her from time to time, somewhere she has found a way to still continue to work from her higher self, sure In the process, and, unfortunately, somewhere you connected with us, yeah, and is able to aid her to move higher. Yeah absolutely.
Mahryah Shain:That's the goal. We all want to move higher. That's why I'm here too. I want to move higher.
Candace Fleming:I was hearing when you were talking and you were talking, i heard manifestation. So when you were saying, if you're focused on you and what the problem is, other people will, you're almost manifesting people to look at you the way that you look at you. So if you look at you in a better way, others will receive that energy and it's manifested that way. So that's where my mind went. Yeah, how can people get the product?
Mahryah Shain:Our website ,morehairnaturally. com, , but there's also phone numbers. On the website too, There's phone numbers. I made sure there's phone numbers on every page, on the top and the bottom, because I want people to call. I want people to call, not you have to buy anything. Call us. I have people here and their whole purpose is to help you understand your hair, answer any questions you might have like, put you at ease about the situation and help guide you. Of course, we'd like you to buy something, because we want to help and we're a business and we want you to buy it. We can get you, we can do great things for you, but you don't have to, and if someone doesn't want to call, they can just purchase too. That's fine, but the results are super important to us. It's super important to us that people see the change that they're looking for.
Candace Fleming:And just to give that contact information, that phone number for new clients, you can call 1-818-303-9922 or email info at morehairnaturallycom. Again, that's 818-303-9922 at morehairnaturallycom.
Janet Hale:Yeah, I just go to the website I wanted to go back to. I know I said this earlier, but I'm gonna say I know we're about to wrap it all up, But you're selling a product and that's beautiful. I think also it's important who's selling the product.
Janet Hale:Yeah, I didn't know that, how you feel about the product, how you feel about other people, yeah, and we're talking to us and I know we're talking about hair growth, but I heard you talk about health. Yeah, what we eat, what we put in our bodies, yeah, absolutely How we feel about ourselves, what we project, just all those things. It's not just I'm here, here's a hair thing. You're put this in your hair and go on home.
Janet Hale:No let's talk about these other things. We talked about processed foods, which is an important period. Yeah, Whether you have hair or not if it's an issue. Absolutely, and so I really appreciate the holistic approach that you come with as you talk about this product related to hair growth.
Mahryah Shain:Yeah.
Mahryah Shain:Thank you for that. Yeah, I mean the thing is is people are good. Okay, there's a couple of bad scenes out there, but for the most part, the majority, the mass majority of people are good. They wanna do the right things in life, And so I believe the stronger that we can make people as individuals, the better the world's gonna be. I want a world of powerhouses out there, like tackling it, being assertive, showing who they are, Because that's just gonna make everyone stronger and the world better. So I really believe, just like the stronger we can make an individual, the better the world's gonna be.
Candace Fleming:Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you so much. Did you have any last things you wanted to let people know? Any last words on hair health, on body health, on anything? Anything you wanna tell listeners on mental healing, on anything?
Mahryah Shain:Yeah, sure, it's about making a decision and taking an action on that decision. Just decide, just decide and do it. It doesn't even have to be right, it doesn't have to be a right decision, but make the decision and act, because the worst existence is a state of indecision or a state of quote research or a state of waiting or discovering that, no, decide It's better. Roosevelt said and said quote that I love He said. he said the first best choice you can make is the right choice. The second best choice you can make is the wrong choice. And the absolute worst thing you could do is no choice. And I love that.
Mahryah Shain:He said the second best thing you could do is the wrong choice. He didn't say the wrong choice is bad, it's the second best thing you could do is the wrong choice. Because in that wrong choice you're taking responsibility. You're taking responsibility for your life, you're taking an action for your life And who knows where that choice is going to lead you. Maybe in that wrong choice you're going to meet your future spouse. Maybe in that wrong choice you're going to meet that future person that you're going to do this crazy business venture with, or that spiritual leader, or that great friend, or you never know, but that path would have never been open to you. How did you not decide it? Because no decision. You're just on your couch watching Netflix all day. That's no decision, right there.
Candace Fleming:I love that. I absolutely love that. Love, love, love that, Love, love, love, love, love that Actually this podcast was started on. Just do it.
Mahryah Shain:Yeah, there you go.
Candace Fleming:That's a good phrase. Yeah, yeah, there was someone. there is a very rich person. I don't know if it's Elon Musk or, who it is, but they won't invest in anyone who hasn't failed at least twice because, they need to know that you're not going to give up. You're going to go out there, you're going to try it, but you're not going to take the money and be like, ah, it didn't work out, that's great, i want it. You're going to actually keep trying. So just do it.
Candace Fleming:You might not get it right the first time, but you might get it right the first time. We had a podcast where we talked about someone who got told no 99 times for trying to get their medical product out and the 100th hospital they went to said yes, but can you imagine 99 times saying no?
Mahryah Shain:Apparently Edison with the light bulb too. It's some ridiculous number. He failed. It was like 900 times or something like that. But he kept going and kept going and finally he got it.
Candace Fleming:Yeah, yeah, absolutely, or even like your product. It's been since 77 and nobody's, was it 77? It was somewhere, It was just 70s Oh 70s, but they've been doing the same thing and you're like, you know, let's try something different, something else might work better, and you did that and that's kind of awesome. Yeah, did you have anything any last things you wanted to say?
Mahryah Shain:No, this is great How about you mom.
Janet Hale:I found it very stimulating. I love to talk about particles, but anyway, I'm no pun intended. I found it to be a very stimulating conversation and I also am glad that it's a universal product that and I'm assuming that could be used on any texture of air. Oh, absolutely. You know what?
Candace Fleming:I'm saying Yeah, yeah.
Janet Hale:So I think that is really cool. I think to make a new connection with the new person is a wonderful thing.
Mahryah Shain:Always, that's always the same track.
Janet Hale:Right, we're on the same track of healing.
Mahryah Shain:You know what I?
Janet Hale:mean, and I just think it's cool that the best decision is to try right, always, always.
Candace Fleming:And we did it.
Janet Hale:I remember the first 15 minutes. We were like 15 minutes. Candice told me after the fact, mama, we were not supposed to be on the 15 minutes, but anyway, we did it and we did it and I'm glad about it, me too.
Candace Fleming:If you or anyone you know is struggling and need immediate assistance, you can call 988 for free and confidential information. You can text or call that number 24 hours a day within the US. Obviously, hair loss, hair thinning, can be a very sensitive subject for some. I leave with the last words of have confidence in yourself as best you can Manifest out what you want to receive in Looking in the mirror and realize that nobody else is living your life as always. If I was born with thin hair, i never would have known I had thick hair, never would feel a certain kind of way. So sometimes where we are is where we are and it's okay. We're going to continue to change. We're going to continue to grow And there are things that can help us look and feel the way that we want to. More hair, naturally, is one of those places. So definitely go check out the website. Do you have any other social media that you want to give out for people to reach you?
Mahryah Shain:We're on all the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but really the website is the best way.
Candace Fleming:Okay, and the social media are those more hair, naturally.
Mahryah Shain:Yeah, they're all more hair naturally.
Candace Fleming:Yeah, Perfect. Well, you guys can definitely reach me at CandaceFleming at essentialmotivationcom. Facebook, essential motivation, Instagram, essential motivation LLC. We thank you. If you have anything you want to hear or comment, let us know. We are so glad and grateful that you guys join us on this podcast. Share it like it, subscribe, Remember and remember to always love hard, laugh frequent and forgive often. Bye guys, Bye, bye.